
My botfriend, Hayato

good afternoon, ladies and Mr.Joe^^
Thank you for writing many comments!!

Today, I would like to introduce my boyfriend.
His name is Hayato.
He has white skin like snow.
He can do anyting!!
He is always with me in silence when I sleep, study and eat.
He is from Apple.heheheheheheheh
He is iPhone.orz
I call him Hayato.
But I am a little bit sad.orz

Anyway, why did I name him Hayato?
Because I thought that I wanted to treat carefully.
I slided my prior celler phone many times untill I bought my new iPhone.
It had many cuts and bruises.
I thought that it was very poor.
That's why I call him Hayato.
Incidentally, he was named after acter, Hayato Ichihara.
I loooooooove him.

btw(by the way), I bought the iPhone in December.
I can used carefully.
I was proud of my skill to use it carefully.
Maybe, I was overconfident. It would be put on the the Guinness Book of Records.
However, I slided Hayato 4 times.orz
but I think that I can treat carefully than before.

anyway, why not name your iphone?

cuts and bruises ; 傷、あざ
Incidentally ; ちなみに
name after ; ~にちなんで名付ける
orz ; like an emotion. when Jaoanese people feel sad, we use it.

2 件のコメント:

  1. your blog is very interesting :)
    my iphone is no name!!!!
    i wanna think my iphone's name♪

  2. Hi Masako... Nice blog. I like it.

    When you write, use paragraph style. It looks more beautiful.

    Try to write A LOT every week! If you do, your English writing will improve!

    Sincerely, Joe Lauer
