
no life is no time

good morning, everyone. I was absent today. i am tired now. i wanted to go to school. but i could not make it. i was absent twice this week. oh no i could not study. i thought there were some reasons. first, i worked too much. i worked 5 or 6 days a week. therefore, i could not take only 6 days off. besides, i finished working at 11:30pm. so i went back to my house at 12:30pm. in addition, days were bad timing. considering to my school schedule, i am supposed to make my shift. so i will asked my job leader to make my good shift. maybe, my part time job has all of reasons. but i must work! so i want to go up with my job. i want to study not only english but also many things. i want to do something with english.


do not worry about me.I am happy

Hello, everyone.
Do you read my page, ladies?
There are no comments!!
So I am sad :(
Yesterday, I paid out 520thousand yen as my schooling tuition.
When I withdrawed my money,   I shaked uncontrollably.
I thought that I wanted to spend money.hehehe.
But I could not do such a thing after all.

By the way, my younger sister recently started a part time job.
She worked at cake shop.
She brought many piece of cake.
Besides, these are freeeeeee!!!!
So I can eat many piece of tasty cake three times a week.
Hoever, one day, my sister said to me that I decided to bring cake to my house.
"Why?"I said to her.
And then she said to me. "You eat too much. So I am worried about you. You may be a sick. You will be a diabetes".
I am sure that I eat too much.
But I can not stop eating.
Help me.


im free now

i can not sleep well! anyway, i could spend great time today. i could study English. especially, i make an effort to study listening. i think that my listening skill is up. i also listen to hiroshima university podcast. it is really fact. that is very good. when i go to school, i always listen to that many times. maybe, at least 5 times. at first,i thought that was a little bit long, but now, i think it is very fun. so let's listen!!


to save money

good afternoon, everyone.
I was absent today because I got up at when the class began.
I have had the classes since the school began.
so, It is ok.
but I am supposed to go to hosoital.
My physical condition is a little bit bad.
However, I am saving much money now because I am going to go to Philippines upcoming summer.
Therefore, I do not have to use money.
I had a good idea. If I can be positive, I will be able to save money.
First, when most people have sty, they think that they have to go to hoispital.
however, my idea is different from their opinions.
If I am them, I will think that it is just my imagination.
When I blowed my nose, my nose blleded.
I thought that it was just my imagination.
So I do not need to go to hospital to use money.
If you are hungry, It is just imagination.
anyway, if you want to save money, you should think that it is just imagination.
And then you can save money.haha
good night.


My botfriend, Hayato

good afternoon, ladies and Mr.Joe^^
Thank you for writing many comments!!

Today, I would like to introduce my boyfriend.
His name is Hayato.
He has white skin like snow.
He can do anyting!!
He is always with me in silence when I sleep, study and eat.
He is from Apple.heheheheheheheh
He is iPhone.orz
I call him Hayato.
But I am a little bit sad.orz

Anyway, why did I name him Hayato?
Because I thought that I wanted to treat carefully.
I slided my prior celler phone many times untill I bought my new iPhone.
It had many cuts and bruises.
I thought that it was very poor.
That's why I call him Hayato.
Incidentally, he was named after acter, Hayato Ichihara.
I loooooooove him.

btw(by the way), I bought the iPhone in December.
I can used carefully.
I was proud of my skill to use it carefully.
Maybe, I was overconfident. It would be put on the the Guinness Book of Records.
However, I slided Hayato 4 times.orz
but I think that I can treat carefully than before.

anyway, why not name your iphone?

cuts and bruises ; 傷、あざ
Incidentally ; ちなみに
name after ; ~にちなんで名付ける
orz ; like an emotion. when Jaoanese people feel sad, we use it.



Good morning, good afternoon, everyone.
Our class began last week.  Despite that I was late.
First, I want to apologize to all of you.
I am very sorry.
However, the fact is that I am  a model of sobriety.
This is a real fact.
Anyway, I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Masako Nakamae.
I have a nice hobby. I like eating.
Also now, I am eating an apple pie.
After that, I will eat lunch, too.
Maybe, I will eat something before and after part time job.
I think that I probably go too far in eating.
I am not good at Writing.
Excuse me for my poor English.
Class, I put my new vocabularies I used in this page below.
If you do not understand my English, please see them or ask me on this blog.
If you write a comment, your grades will be better.
Mr.Joe, I want you to correct my English.
Let's enjoy our class.
Nice to meet you, Mr.joe.

Despite that にも関わらず
apologize to  (人)に謝る
a model of sobriety. 真面目そのもの
go too far in し過ぎ