
my way

Long time no see!!
How have you been?
I am pretty gooood :9
Recently, I have gone to school by bus since Jun because it has been rainy.
I really wanna go to school by bicycle because I must save money to go to the Philippines.
But, I will be able to save till next month.
It's ok!!

Well, I went to club at the first time with Moe.
But I didn't want to pay money to drink.
Then, "It's on me" she said.
I was happyyyyyyyyy.
probably, she paid three thousand yen for me to drink.
If you want, you should ask Moe
hehe, I am  too bad person


I would like to write about the way to have a dream.
I thought that the rusher who persues a dream patiently is great than a person who is distressed about a dream before.(以前、私は夢について悩んでいる人より、夢に向かって猪突猛進している人の方が優れていると思っていました。)
however, I think that both are nice and great.Both have good points.The former is great.You know what it is.
I want to say why I thought the latter is also good.
I was a person who is distressed about a dream, too before.
I didn't know what to do.
How Do I want to live from now?
Do I want to be an English teacher?
Should I select the job hunting?
I always thought whether the way was correct or not on the third grade.]

I told my friends and family about my future many times.
I was worried and nervous about it
I troubled about it everyday.
I cried many times.
I took out on my family and boyfriend.
but my friends listened my speaking seriously.
My family and boyfriend was worried about me and took care of me with doing a quarrel.
my grandmother made a cook though I didn't eat a dinner everyday.
My father said to me ''don't have to force yourself".無理するな

while I was troubling, I was able to find an answer for me by little and little.
then, I found that going with troubled is ok.
I can be here because many people have supported me.

I think that we don't know a right from beginning.
If there is a right answer, we will not become troubled.(悩まないだろう)
Anyway, I should do anything.
Even if I think of my dream a long time, I cannot go there without action.
I have to do the action.
therefore I decided my way.
I don't know my authentic answer and I am troubling about it yet occasionally.
But, I want to make my way I decided seriously a right answer.(真剣に決めた自分の道を正解にしたいと思いました。)

1 件のコメント:

    GOOD LUCK!;)
